“Tree Without Roots” is an iconic novel in the history of Bengali literature by Syed Waliullah (1922-1971). This masterpiece explores the lives and experiences of life and livelihood in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) during the early 20th century. One of the main characters in the novel is Majeed. He is depicted as a complex and multifaceted character with both positive and negative traits. Here are some of the negative aspects of Majeed’s character as portrayed in the novel:
1. Selfishness
Majeed is a deeply selfish person who only thinks about his own needs and desires. He is willing to sacrifice the happiness of the people of Mahabbatnagar. Again his selfishness is found in the case of his friend Khaleque for his own personal gain.
Amena, wife of Khaleque, wants to have holy water to conceive. Her belief is revealed in this ways,
“The coming of the pir had filled Amena with new hope. Perhaps he could help her. Why perhaps? She knew he could”.
Realizing the belief of Amena as a threat to his existence, Majeed manipulates Khaleque to give divorce to his wife Amena from the point of being enchanted by her beauty. Again he hates the Awalpur pir as he is his competitor.
More Notes: Tree Without roots
2. Materialism
Majeed is obsessed with material possessions and wealth. He is willing to do whatever it takes to acquire more money and status, even if it means compromising his values or betraying those close to him. He decorates a grave for his materialistic purpose. He earns by making fool of the people of Mahabbatnagar.
3. Arrogance
Majeed is extremely arrogant and thinks very highly of himself. He believes that he is better than others and is not afraid to show it. He is dismissive of people who he perceives as beneath him and is quick to judge others.
4. Dishonesty
Majeed is a dishonest fellow who lies and deceives others to get what he wants. He is not afraid to manipulate people to achieve his goals and often uses his charm and charisma to win people over. His dishonesty is revealed several times throughout the novel.
5. Immorality
Majeed is also portrayed as a sexually immoral person. He becomes enchanted seeing the beauty of Rahima and later on to satisfy his sexual desire he marries Jamila. Again he looks at Khaliques first wife Amena with his evil eyes.
6. Betrayal and religious hypocrisy
Majeed is not above betraying those who trust him for his own benefit. He betrays the general and innocent village people of Mohabbatnsgar. He also betrays his friend Khaleque by using him for his own gain. He plays with the innocent heart of the villagers. His religious hypocrisy is revealed when he consoles the old lady for her dead grandson. Majeed says,
” Allah takes away those whom he loves best”
7. Lack of empathy:
Majeed also lacks empathy for others, particularly those who are less fortunate than him. He is indifferent to the suffering of others and is willing to exploit their misfortunes for his own gain. For example, he takes advantage of the poverty of the villagers to acquire land and money for himself.
8. Greedy and self-centered
Another evil side of Majeed’s character is his greed. Majeed is driven by a desire for wealth and material possessions, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get them. He is constantly scheming and plotting to make money, even if it means cheating or betraying those closest to him. By establishing a fake Mazar of Mudasser Pir, he becomes a religious businessman.
Majeed’s character is a complex and flawed one, and his negative traits play a significant role in the development of the novel’s plot and themes.