What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
Matthew Arnold is one of the greatest victorian poets who imprints his philosophical viewpoint throughout his poems. He tries to find out the truth of life by criticizing Victorian materialistic life.
To Arnold, truth is the rarest thing on the earth. He is in search of truth. In his poem “The Scholar Gipsy”, he implies a strong urge for searching truth through the Scholar Gipsy. Like him, the Scholar Gipsy also wanders to find truth around the countryside. But it is not easy to get it as truth is not purchasable. It cannot be purchased in exchange for any worldly things. The seeker after Truth must shun human society which distracts his attention and leads him astray. One can get a glimpse of truth after having infinite passion, courage, and determination. But the Victorians do not try to attain the ultimate truth. Here, Arnold criticizes Victorian materialistic life.
Indeed, he makes an attempt to find the spiritual truth of human life but eventually falls to the ground.