Rashedul Islam

Rashedul Islam

Hi, This is Rashedul. Researcher and lecturer of English literature and Linguistics.

Symbols in the poems of Dylan Thomas

Introduction:  A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that signifies an idea, object, or relationship. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) uses symbols to attach great importance to his poetry. We will now keenly observe Dylan Thomas’s symbolism in his famous poems.   …

Auden’s attitude to religion

W.H. Auden (1907-1973) believed in God and Christianity. His religious outlook is found throughout his most celebrated poems.    T.S. Eliot thought of religion as “the still point in the turning world,” “the heart of light,” and “the crowned knot of…

Central message of Auden’s poetry

 Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) has written more than four hundred poems throughout his poetic career. He writes poetry based on several themes like realistic love, nature, psychology, and religion. But in every single poem of Auden, there is a central…

Human concern in Auden’s poetry

 W H Auden’s (1907-1973) poetry deals with religious, social, and political issues. He was so much worried about contemporary society. He tried to heal the human heart with a powerful weapon simply known as poetry. Finally, Auden did that. He…