The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” tells the story of Chaunticleer, a rooster belonging to a poor old widow. The widow is a minor character in ”The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”. She lives in a small cottage beside a grove of trees in a valley. She lives with her two daughters there. The widow lives a very simple life and provides for her two daughters. With little in the way of possessions, the widow eats what little her small farm can provide for her.
More Notes: Suggestions
The widow in her yard kept a cock named Chaunticleer and seven hens. Again she had three cows, three sows, and a sheep. She eats mostly milk and bread, sometimes an egg, and never drinks wine. So she had never experienced the bad effects of overeating. Somehow she maintained herself and her two daughters’ necessities. Though she had lack of money and wealth, she was happy and satisfied. In every way, the widow is simple and humble.
She seems very dedicated. Most likely works hard for the survival of her two daughters who are mentioned at the beginning of the tale. Other than what has been said, nothing else is revealed about the widow’s character.
When Chaunticleer was carried off to the woods by a clear fox named sir Russell, the widow ran out of her cottage and cried out loudly saying
“ Help, Help ! Stop that fox !
Then the widow and her two daughters ran after that fox to save their pet cock chaunticleer. Though the widow plays a minor role in the Nun’s priest’s tale, for her, the plot of the tale moved forward.