The Old Man and the Sea বাংলা Summary
Key Facts: Place Settin…
Key Facts: Place Settin…
‘Petals of Blood’ (1977) is a novel by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o. The novel mainly deals with the dilemma of change after Kenya’s independence from colonial…
Introduction: In ‘Petals Of Blood’ (1977), by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (1938- present), Abdullah is a shopkeeper who lost his leg in the Mau Mau Rebellion. …
Introduction: In ‘Petals of Blood’ is a novel written by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (1938- present. Godfrey Munira is a school teacher who runs a school…
Brief Suggestions NU Masters 2019-20
The history of human civilization tells us that women were considered inferior to men despite their significant contribution to preserving and developing humankind and human…
How has the writer depicted the adverse effects of capitalism in ‘Petals of Blood”? Capitalism is often considered an economic system in which private actors…
The Scarlet Letter “A” (The Red or crimson color letter) Background of the novel There is a great history behind the writings of the famous…
Lord of the Flies Is the first novel of the British Nobel prize winning novelist William Gerald Golding About the title: The title “Lord of…
Brave New World (1932) ALDOUS HUXLEY (1894-1963) About author Name: Aldous Huxley Birthplace: In the village of Godalming, Surrey, England. Birth time: July 26, 1894. …