Discuss the Theories of First Language Acquisition

Question: Discuss the Theories of First Language Acquisition.

Theories of Language Learning is divided into two parts:

  1. Theories of First Language Acquisition and
  2. Theories of Second Language Development.

Before the discussion, we need to know about acquisition and learning:

Language Acquisition

Language acquisition means the process by which human beings achieve the capacity to understand and realize language and also to produce and use words and sentences for communication. This is called a Language acquisition is one of the authentic and quintessential traits of human sub-conscious process in which the learners are only aware of communication. Language acquisition is one of the authentic and quintessential traits of human beings for without language human civilization is paralyzed. It usually stands for first language acquisition that studies child’s native language acquisition beings for without language human civilization is paralyzed. It usually stands Acquisition is basically called an implicit learning that is ever lasted, and it is out and out distinguished from second language acquisition.

Language Learning

Language Learning refers to the process in which learners attain language capacity in linguistic procedure that means in a conscious effort by knowing the rules of grammar, memorizing vocabulary and not being aware of communicative purposes. This is a very difficult process for developing language skill. This is also called explicit learning that is not long lasted at all. Most of the second language learners strictly follow this process.

More Notes of ELT

Theories of First Language Acquisition: Sundry theories have been proposed by various psychologists as to language acquisition. Here the major theories are:

  1. Behaviourism, in other words Behaviourist or Learning Theory, was introduced by American psychologist John B. Watson in 1913 and developed by Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov’s ‘Classical Conditioning’, Skinner’s ‘Operant Conditioning’ and Osgood’s ‘Meditation Theory’.
  2. Mentalism, in other words Linguistic or Innatist Theory, is alternative to the behiourists’ inadequate language learning explanation. This theory proves that language is autonomous and property of mind. The prime personality behind this theory is Noam Chomsky who illustrates that humans learn language by dint of internal capacity, and he describes this universal principles and linguistic knowledge of natural human language. ‘Internal faculty’ known as a ‘Language Acquisition Device’ (LAD) contains universal principles and linguistic knowledge of natural human language.
  3. Cognitive theory means that normal children start their object performance, learn in many ways simultaneously and learn the world around them first. This is a reaction against the dominant innatist theory because a group of psychologists claimed that cognitive was the major guiding force behind language acquisition. This theory is called a temporal development because of not having complete international function.
  4. Social Interactionist Theory is a type of language acquisition theory that means that language is learnt by active interaction between child and environment. Here Chomsky’s LAD, Brunner’s LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System) and watching Tv and listening Radio exist but not like critical period.
  5. Maturation Theory or Critical Theory Hypothesis claims the critical period of language acquisition. The range of the period is completed in early puberty. This theory was introduced by Arnold Gessel in 1925. The theory concentrates on the course, the pattern and maturation growth in children.

Shihabur Rahaman
Shihabur Rahaman
Articles: 403

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