Tragedy of Ambition
Write a short note on Tragedy of Ambition?
Introduction: The tragedy of Ambition is a form of tragedy based on the tale of a noble man’s destruction because of his fatal flaw. In other words, the tragedy of Ambition is based on the Ambition of the protagonist.
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There are some characteristics features of Ambition of Tragedy which are as follows:
Source of ambition
An ambition tragedy should have a proper source of ambition. Evaluating ”Macbeth’‘ we notice that the drama-packed up with the source of ambition. The protagonist of the play is ambitious by the prophecies and the lady Macbeth. so, this feature of the play is fulfilled its demand.
Blind ambition
Blind ambition is another predominant feature of the ambition tragedy. In the play ”Macbeth” we find evidence of blind ambition. Macbeth started to dream to be the next king of Scotland by baseless prophecies of the witch. So, it is proved that blind ambition is the pure feature of the tragedy of ambition.
The theme of ambition
The theme of the play is around the theme of ambition. we find that the theme of Macbeth is absolutely based on the theme of ambition.
Vaulting ambition
Vaulting ambition is one of the remarkable features of the tragedy of ambition. Macbeth has filled up this feature.
Conclusion: From the above discussion, we must say that the tragedy of ambition brings about havoc for the ambitious activity.