what does Johnson say about Shakespeares violation of unities

Question: what does Johnson say about Shakespeares violation of unities?


Preface to Shakespeare” (1765) is an outstanding masterpiece of Doctor Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) in the history of English criticism.  In his literary criticism, he has clearly upheld the violation of unities of Shakespearian plays.

Proper use of unity of action

Johnson deals with the two unities – unity of time and unity of place. The other unity -unity of action has not been discussed because this unity is indispensable for each dramatic work. Aristotle has laid the utmost importance on the unity of action as it is the central success of a drama.  The unity of action means the proper arrangement of events such as beginning, middle, and end. we can notice that in Shakespearian drama the proper use of unity of action.

More Notes of Criticism

Ignorance of unities for delight in diversity

According to Johnson, the violation of the unities is not only his fault but also his ignorance of unities.  Shakespeare willingly ignored the two dramatic unities.

” The unities of time and place are not essential to a just drama, that though they may sometimes conduce to pleasure, they are always to be sacrificed to the nobler beauties of variety and instruction ”

From this quoted line we can easily understand that the unity of time and the unity of place is violated apparently in Shakespeare’s drama.


In termination, we can say that Johnson‘s arguments about Shakespeare’s violation of the two unities have made the drama more praiseworthy.

Shihabur Rahaman
Shihabur Rahaman
Articles: 403

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