Why did Willy Loman become a salesman


“Death of a Salesman” (1949) has been upheld by American society and families in 1949. Arthur Miller (1915-2005) criticizes society’s idea of the American Dream, the capitalist system, greed, the Lack of fidelity, and peer pressure.  Willy Loman has a tragic flaw which is his high ambition. He wants to be a successful man in America.  

The cause of Willy’s becoming a salesman 

In the drama, the elder brother of Willy Loman, Ben has been a successful businessman at age of 21. Ben is the paradigm of quick success and Willy Loman wants to be a successful businessman like Ben but he fails in his life until his death.  

Willy takes the job of a salesman- being inspired by Dave Singleman. He met him in the Parker House. Dave Singleman was a mythic salesman. He sold products in thirty-one states. At eighty-four years of his age, he made sales from twenty to thirty states by phoning. He managed it without ever leaving his hotel room. He was a well-respected professional salesman who made a lasting impression on the people. His death as a salesman was noble. Because hundreds of salesmen and buyers were present at his funeral. 

More Notes: Death of a Salesman

Willy greatly admired his personality. Because of his dignified success and graceful respected position. Willy believes that “Selling is the greatest career”. Because it has infinite potential and an honorable disposition. 


Singleman was a role model for Willy, but he failed to see Singleman’s human side. He imagines Singleman as a happy man but ignores the fact that Singleman was still working at the age of eighty-four, being stable. 

Ruhul Huda
Ruhul Huda

You can call me Mr. Huda. I am a researcher and doing this work for years. I like to learn everywhere. So, feel free to share your experience with me.

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